Nikola Tesla's Energimedisin

Nikola Tesla, Royald Rife, Victor Schauberger, Wilhelm Reich - og flere - var de store Naturvitenskapelige oppdagere, som ble stoppet av Deep State på 1930 tallet - snart for 100 år siden. 

Etter 70 år skal deres oppfinnelser frigis til menneskeheten - og der er det at over 6000 oppfinnelser skal frigis til oss - i denne tiden.  Nå kan trygge robuste lokalsamfunn bygges, og jeg søker etter likesinnede - og slike miljø - så vi kan forundre oss sammen - over alt vi er blitt avlært. 

Vi må lære pånytt.  linker å se: 
Avgjør selv: 
Kjøp direkte:

Andre teknologier:
2. Tesla BioHealing - the world's first co -bed edition available in the market.
I invested in two such coils that arrived before Christmas - and I have had the testing with a friend who was much plagued with rheumatism and pain in my body. She believes that she has noticed great improvement in her health - and I see more and more good feedback from users from all over the world. They first came out on the market in the fall 2021.
Here is a link to read about this opportunity as well:
Please let me know.

Try this digital co -bed:
Feel free to share your experiences with us - as this is also exciting.

3. Russian co -bed offer in Moscow from February 2022. This is the last generation of a preliminary military secret bioenergetic technology that helps all your physical and mental imbalances come into place. Since they have opened for treatment - the prices are 400 euros per treatment hour - and they recommend 3 treatments per day for 10 days. Yes - really stiff prices - but the investment on such (resembles MR Maskin) is at 250,000 euros at least. In addition, there are education and fees.
If anyone can be interested in such a trip - then I would like to join in to link closer to friendships with my former Russian friends.
The energy-medical environment in Russia lies many decades ahead of Western understanding. They have focused on natural medicine - instead of Bigpharma.
If it is interested enough - then we can take a trip to Russia.
First who sign up interested - then I start planning for the trip. Reasonable airline tickets: From NOK 1215,- round trip !!!
Then comes hotel/accommodation/food as well.
When we are at least 3 people - then I can implement the planning.
Contact me at 90508660. Vivi-Ann

4. Pyramids for home and public meeting places
At the Wednesday meetings, I also invite lecturers from my extensive network - and two weeks ago I invited Russia's foremost pyramid scientist - which I have been following for decades. He is positive to come to Norway this summer - and arrange a workshop for us. Price and time are not clarified - but you can read up through his blog - and countless reports from lifelong research work. Recommended: https://newpyramids.Store/homepyramide and I have good experiences with the use of Hans Wands of Horus: These make the same effect as healy - but cannot document the HZ list that I have developed for the group.

Much more is going on - and what we know of as today's school medicine - based on Bigpharma - will get a powerful crack forward.
So take the chance - try out - and be before the development. Because health first !!!

5. Regarding energies - healthy houses based on "the golden cut" - are also "lifelong interest" and outreach work. Here is enough to implement both the universe-in-the-time, and scientific experiences for real learning.

Ønsker du mere informasjon - ring 90508660.


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