
Viser innlegg fra juni, 2022

LEARN MORE!! Energy medicine - MEDBED - WANDS OF HORUS - and more:

  Linker fra kveldens ENERGIMEDISIN Link til noen av webinarmøtene:   møte: 1116693 HEALY - Behandlingsprogrammer:   https:// marketings3productionstack- s3bucket07682993-eu7zn3zbs3qv. Overview/Healy-World-Healy- Programs-en-EU.pdf Video om hvordan HEALY fungerer på våre blodceller - dokumentert med Dark Field Microscope: Om du er blitt invitert av en venn, så blir din venn din sponsor - og ansvarlig for å gi deg opplæring og oppfølging, i tillegg til at du får egen webshop og backoffice med support/utdanning: Vil du bli kun kunde: partnername=7230-9100-0596     Vil du bli aktiv partner: partnername=9319-5098-2875 Interaktiv presentasjon om hva du selv vil lære mere om: Jeg bestemmer/ IDECIDE Hver onsdag holder jeg webinarer - zoomlink:     https://us02web.z...

Tesla MEDBED Center

  There is a  Special Promotion  happening at Tesla MedBed Centers for a limited time: Book any number of MedBed Overnight Stays and bring a guest for free ($100/night saving with 1 additional guest sharing the same room, no limit on number of nights) Book at any of our 5 MedBed Centers between 06/30/2022 to 07/05/2022 and redeem anytime until the end of the year. Hear what other guests are saying about their life-changing healing experiences at MedBed Centers:   2 weeks stay at MedBed Center - So Grateful! When I arrived at the Tesla Biohealing Center, my energy was very low and I had a high amount of stress. In addition, many of my organs and systems were in the low range as well. After 2 weeks at the Center, my energy increased dramatically, my stress level decreased significantly and went into the normal range. Most of my organs and systems that were low went into the optimal range! Plus my knees and back have also improved. Overall, I feel lighter, healthie...